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Expat Essentials

Helping Expats Feel at Home in The Netherlands

What they offer

Moving to a new country is both an exciting adventure and a daunting challenge, especially when you're unfamiliar with local customs and procedures. At Expat Essentials, we understand these challenges and specialize in helping expats, particularly those from South Africa, smoothly transition into their new lives in the Netherlands.


Our services focus on the critical first few months after arrival, ensuring that expats feel at home as quickly as possible. We offer a range of services tailored to meet all the essential needs of new arrivals, from setting up contracts for utilities like gas, water, and internet to assisting with school selection for children. We guide expats through Dutch regulations, help with municipal registration and obtaining a BSN (citizen service number), and assist in opening a Dutch bank account. We also provide support for setting up a business, including logo and website creation, and offer translation services to make complex procedures more understandable.


In addition to these core services, we offer extra support to help expats adapt to their new environment. This includes recommending schools or childcare facilities, identifying local hobbies and sports clubs, and answering any questions that may arise during the initial months.


One unique aspect of our service is the 'welcome/survival package' we provide for the first week in a new home. This package includes essential items like groceries and toiletries to help new arrivals settle in comfortably.


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Their team

Meloney Brits, who immigrated to the Netherlands from George, South Africa, in 2008, knows firsthand how challenging it can be to adapt to life in a new country. She quickly realized that many other expats shared her struggles, often feeling overwhelmed by the many rules and procedures. Over the past 16 years, Meloney has helped numerous South African expats navigate these challenges, helping them feel at home faster and providing them with the peace of mind needed to build a solid foundation for their new lives in the Netherlands.


Janco Krale, born and raised in the Netherlands, has always been fascinated by foreign cultures. His friendship with Meloney opened his eyes to the difficulties foreigners face when settling in the Netherlands. His passion for helping people feel at home in his country drives him to assist expats in overcoming the obstacles they encounter.


Together, Meloney and Janco are committed to making the expat experience in the Netherlands as smooth and welcoming as possible. Whether you're navigating the complexities of Dutch bureaucracy or simply looking for a friendly face to guide you through the process, Expat Essentials is here to help.

Want some help settling in? Send us an email:

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